The whole body of regulator is insulated and is safer to use in harsh environments. The product uses high-quality electronic components to maintain high reliability under harsh environmental conditions (high humidity, dust, salt environment). This regulator is suitable for single and three phase generators. The adjustment accuracy of the regulator is high, and the theoretical fluctuation is only 0.5%. The board of the regulator is made of flame retardant and high temperature resistant material, which is safe and durable.
Power supply voltage:50/60Hz 170-277 V(±10% of range tolerance)
Voltage sensing(single-phase): 50/60Hz 170-277 V(±10% of range tolerance)
Maximum continuative field current: 5 A
Maximum forcing field current (1 minute): 8A
Maximum field voltage: 100 V
Field resistance: 8 Ω-20 Ω
Regulation accuracy: ±0.5 %(steady state conditions, rated, balanced and non deforming load, constant frequency)
Thermal Drift: ±0.5 %( voltage change for 50°C change from TAMB, after 10 minutes)
Response time: 1 Cycle
Operating temperature: -30°C / +70°C
Weight: 687g / 24.2oz
Package list:
1 * Voltage Regulator Board